Healthy food stuffs

Healthy Foods are foods and food products that meet certain nutritional requirements, including production and processing regulations.  Human beings need food to develop, have children and sustain good health. Devoid of food, our bodies could not keep warm, build or revamp tissue, or sustain a heartbeat. Taking healthy foods can reduce the risk of certain diseases or recuperate faster when illness arises. These and other key tasks are fueled by chemical substances in our food known as nutrients. Nutrients can be grouped into carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water.
Nutrients in foods can also be classified as essential or nonessential. Nonessential nutrients are produced in the body and are not necessarily obtained from food. These include cholesterol, a fatlike substance present in every animal cell. Essential nutrients have to be obtained from food substance, as the body either does not manufacture them or it does in too little quantity to sustain growth and healthy development. Essential nutrients comprise water, carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, and minerals
Carbohydrate is the body's favorite supply of fuel. When included in proper amounts to the food, the right quantity of carbohydrate should make you feel energetic and healthy. You ought to select whole grain cereals and breads, raw and cooked vegetables, and fruits as your main sources of carbohydrate. mix these foods at meals and snacks alongside other foods that include small quantities of protein and/or fat—for instance a turkey sandwich, or cereal with milk—to slow down absorption times and keep  a healthy blood sugar level. A generally healthy meal   contains roughly 60 to 65 percent carbohydrate, 15 percent protein, and less than 30 percent fat.

Even though malnutrition is generally linked to dietary deficiencies, it also can arise in situations where people have enough food to eat; nevertheless they eat unhealthy foods which are low in vital nutrients. An extreme diet may also cause other nutritional crisis. An example is Obesity which is the condition of having excessive body fat. It has been associated with life-threatening diseases such as diabetes mellitus, cardiovascular problems, and even some types of cancer. Taking too much salty foods may increase the risk of high blood pressure.
When the body does not have a sufficient amount of any one of the essential nutrients for a prolonged period of time, it becomes frail and unable to adequately fight infection. The brain may become lethargic and respond slowly. The body taps its stored fat for energy, and muscle is broken down to use for energy. Ultimately, the body withers away, the heart stops pumping properly, and death occurs—the most severe result of a dietary condition called deficiency-related malnutrition.

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