In this post I will be talking about another very important natural gift that has lots of health benefits that you may not know of. Pears are very good source of fibers and source of vitamins B2, C, E , potassium, copper as well as the soluble fiber pectin. Here are some of the health benefits of pear: They Help to Boost the Immune System Pears contain vitamin C and copper which serve as antioxidants. These antioxidants help to protect the cells from damage from free radicals. A strong and responsive immune system helps the body to fight off diseases.

1. Digestive System
It has a lot of fiber which enhances the digestive system by helping to move food efficiently through the colon. They also help to reduce the risk of colon polyps as most of the fibers found in pears are insoluble.

2. Prevention of Cancer
One of the ways via which cancer can be prevented is by eating lots of fresh fruits and vegetables that contains antioxidants. Pears contain vitamin C which is a very strong antioxidant which helps to protect the body from damage due to free radicals. Pears also enhance colon health thus reducing the risk of developing colon cancer.

3. Hypoallergenic
 Pears are considered to be a less allergic food. People who are suffering from food allergies may want to consider turning to pears as they are less allergic.

4. Healthy Pregnancy
This is one of the benefits of pears that I will not hide from my wife (hahaha! that is if I have one). Pears are a natural source of folic acid which is very helpful for pregnant women. Pears contain about 5% natural folic acids and should be part of a healthy prenatal diet. Women that are pregnant should therefore increase their intake of pears so as to prevent birth defects.

 5. Energy
Pears contain glucose which is readily absorbed by the body and converted into energy.

6. Healthy Bones
Pears are a very good source of boron which is very essential in helping the body to retain calcium. Calcium is very important in building strong bones and teeth. Many doctors now recommend that people concerned about developing healthy bones increase their intake of calcium from dietary sources.

Are there other benefits of pears you know of? Why not share it in the comment box below.

10 Benefits of Onions

Have you ever imagined what this life would be like without onions? Onions has been used as a food ingredient in many dishes for several thousands of years across many cultures around the world. Onions have been used as a natural remedy for several illnesses for thousands of years. You do not need to eat loads of onions to derive these benefits. What then are the health benefits of onions?

1. Onions are a good source of vitamin C, B1, B6 and K. they are also rich in dietary fibre, folic acid, biotin, calcium and chromium.

2. Onions are the richest source of Quercitin which has been shown to fight chronic bronchitis, lower cholesterol, prevent asthma, hay fever, atherosclerosis, infection as well as preventing stomach ulcer. Quercitin possesses anti-inflammatory, antibacterial properties that help to prevent cancer. It can also be used as a sedative.

3. The vitamin C found in onions is very good for detoxifying the body and can effectively remove the following metals from the body: lead, arsenic, mercury and cadmium.

 4. It contains flavoniods which are antioxidants that help to protect the body from cancer by reducing the damage to the DNA due to free radicals.

 5. Onions has been used to treat asthma for a long time now. It does this by inhibiting the formation of compounds that cause bronchial spasms and helps to relax the bronchial muscles.

6. It has antibacterial properties which help to kill several disease causing pathogens.

 7. They contain sulfur which enhances liver function as well as improve the action of amino acids on the brain and nervous system.

 8. They help to keep the blood clot free.

9. They can significantly reduce blood sugar levels. This is benefit of onion make it a very good helper to diabetes patients.

10. Onions is used to treat colds, coughs, and asthma, and to repel insects.

Feel free top share this benefits of onion with friends of social sites. You can also do well to leave a comment in the comment but.

5 Benefits of Beetroot you may not know

Beetroot is a dark red to purple vegetable that help to provide improved blood flow, better stamina and lowers the blood pressure. What are the health benefits of beetroot?

1. Immune Booster
Beetroot is very rich in several vitamins and nutrients which have been shown to boost the body’s immune system and fight infection more effectively. It does this by reoxygenation of cells and forming new blood cells.

2. Nutritional Values
Beetroot contains Betalain (which is the source of its red color). This betalain is high in antioxidants that protect the cells of the body from the damaging effects of free radicals that could lead to heart disease and other adverse health conditions like cancer. Another benefit of Beetroot is, it’s also a good source of folic acid, vitamins A, B-1, B-2 and C, calcium, potassium and iron. Beet juice is known to have a detoxifying effect on the kidney as well as the gall bladder.

3. Reduces Blood Pressure
It has been shown that beetroot can help in reduction of blood pressure with its attendant risks of heart attacks and strokes. This is because beetroot is very rich in nitrates. This nitrates forms nitric oxide in the blood which helps to expand the blood vessels and reduces blood pressure. A 250ml beetroot juice or about 2 cooked beetroot taken once a day can greatly reduce the blood pressure and reduce the risks of heart attacks and strokes.

4. Reduces Cholesterol
It contains very soluble fibre which is said to lower cholesterol level. Its carotenoid and flavonoids content help to prevent the oxidation and deposition of LDL (‘bad’ cholesterol) in the arteries.

 5. Folic acid
Beetroot contains folic acid which is very beneficial for normal growth of tissue. Folic acid is essential in the development of the spinal cord in a baby during the first trimester and thus can prevent spinal bifida and other spinal cord defects.

These are just 5 of the many benefits of beetroot. If there is any you know, you can add it through the comment box. Try and connect with us on Facebook so as not to miss our future posts

Health benefits of turmeric

Turmeric is a plant belonging to the same family as ginger. It is often used as a culinary spice and contains a medicinal ingredient known as Curcumin which possesses antioxidant, anti-bacteria and anti-inflammatory properties. What are the health benefits of Turmeric? Here are a few:
1. Treatment of Alzheimer ’s disease
Due to its anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties, turmeric can be used to treat Alzheimer's disease very effectively.
2. Blocking cancer
Research has found that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, helps to block an enzyme that is responsible for the proliferation of head and neck cancer.
3. Arthritis
It’s anti-inflammatory and pain relieving properties make turmeric a very effective natural solution for Arthritis. Using about 500-1000mg turmeric capsules thrice a day significantly reduces osteoarthritis pain.
4. Cancer Treatment
Recently, Turmeric has been found to induce apoptosis, a process that induces the self-destruction and removal of damaged (carcinogenic) cells. Further studies are ongoing to ascertain the effect of turmeric on cancer cells.
5. Asthma
Due to its anti-inflammatory properties, it mitigates the inflammation that is commonly associated with asthma. Add one teaspoon of this powder to a warm glass of milk and drink.
6. As an Antiseptic
Its anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory properties make it a very good antiseptic for treating cuts.
7. Curcumin
Ongoing research has shown that curcumin, the active ingredient in turmeric, can protect the live and help to delay liver damage and prevent cirrhosis.
8. Colds and Flu
Its anti-microbial properties help to fight against cough, colds and flu. If you have cold and flu, just mix a teaspoon of this powder into a glass of warm milk and drink once daily. You should also drink enough water throughout the day.

Health Benefits of Eggs

There are many benefits of egg. Eggs are a great source of proteins and several other vital nutrients. In fact, there are very few foods that contain the same diverse nutrients as you will find in a single egg. Eggs are a source of several vitamins, potassium, biotin, folic acid and choline. Despite the controversial cholesterol issue, eggs are very important diet for our health. Here are some health benefits of eggs:
1. They Improve Vision
Eggs are very good for the eyes. They contain lutein and zeaxanthin both of which help to prevent macular damage. Eggs are the best source of both nutrients. They also reduce the risk of cataracts.
2. A single egg is known to contain about 6g of rich proteins and all of the 9 essential amino acids.
3. Studies from Harvard School of Public Health have shown that there is no vital link between eating eggs and heart diseases. Increased egg consumption may help to reduce the risk of blood clots, heart attacks and strokes.
4. Reduces Risk of Cancer
Whole eggs are a great source of choline. Studies carried out on women showed that women with high choline intake were less likely to develop breast cancer. Choline is found mainly in egg yolk.
 5. Natural Source of Vitamin D
Eggs are a rare source of naturally occurring vitamin D.
6. It contains choline which helps to regulate cardiovascular system, the brain and nervous system.
7. Hair Growth Eggs are a good source of sulphur and several other vitamins and nutrients which promote a healthy hair and nails. These are just few of the many health benefits of egg. Please do well to share this post with your friends and also leave a comment. Thanks.
10 amazing health benefits of Ginger

10 amazing health benefits of Ginger

Ginger has been used as one of the top natural remedies for several ailments for many generations now. Some of the health benefits of ginger include:
1. Prevention of Colon cancer
Research has shown that ginger can be used to slow down the proliferation of colorectal cancer cells.
2. Treatment of Ovarian Cancer
Researchers from University of Michigan Comprehensive Cancer have found that when ginger powder is applied to ovarian cancer cells, it produced death in such ovarian cancer cells.
 3. Reliefs Pain and Inflammation
This is another benefit of ginger. Studies have shown that ginger has natural anti-inflammatory properties and is a well-known pain killer.
 4. Relief for Heartburn
Taken in the form of tea, ginger has been used for several years as a treatment for heartburn.
5. Treatment For Morning Sickness
Ginger has been known to be very effective in treating morning sickness.
6. Treatment of Motion Sickness It is highly effective in the treatment of nausea that is associated with motion sickness
7. Cold and Flu Prevention and Treatment
It has been used for a long time now in the treatment of colds and flu. It also has a positive effect on the digestive system; hence it is used in the treatment of stomach flu or food poisoning.
8. Menstrual Cramp
Its tea form taken with brown sugar is highly effective in treatment of menstrual cramp
9. Relief From Migraine
It has the ability to prevent prostaglandins from causing pain and inflammation in the blood vessels thus may be used to provide relief from migraine.
10. Prevention of Diabetic Nephropathy
Studies done with rats had shown that ginger has the ability to reduce the occurrence of diabetic nephropathy (kidney damage) in the rats.

Please share this with friends and family. If there are other benefits of ginger you know, you can do well to share them in the comment box.

Benefits of Water

Our body is essentially a water machine that is powered by water and minerals. All life giving processes and all healing processes depend on water to happen. Like is commonly said “water is life”. Here are some amazing facts about water: do you know that our body is made up of about 70% water; human embryo is 80% water; a new born baby is about 74% water; blood is over 80% water; our brain is more than 75% water; and the liver is 96% water! If our body fluids and tissues are made up of so much water, what are the health benefits of water?
1. It is the medium of biochemical reaction in the body
Most of the chemical and enzymatic reactions occurring in the body require water as their medium. It carries oxygen, nutrients, hormones and antibodies through the blood stream. It is a solvent for all the body’s reactions and helps to regulate all body functions.
 2. Energy
Our water intake significantly affects our energy level. Research has shown that a 5% drop in body fluids will lead to a 25-30% loss in energy. Also our liver needs water to break down fat into useable form.
3. Excretion
The kidneys get rid of waste such as lactic acid, urea and uric acid. These are dissolved in water. Inadequate amount of water leads to the retention of some of these wastes in the kidney which may lead to kidney damage.
 4. Temperature Regulation
Water is involved in temperature regulation through perspiration. When we sweat, heat is dissipated producing a cooling effect.
5. Lubricating Joints
Cartilages of long bones and between spinal vertebrae contain a lot of water which helps to lubricate the joint during movement. If the cartilage is well hydrated, the opposite surfaces move freely with little damage; when the cartilage is dehydrated, the rate of friction is increased leading to damage and increased pain.

Benefits of Exercise

There are millions of people who are suffering from illnesses that can be prevented or significantly improved upon by simple exercise. Nobody is asking you to begin a strenuous daily exercise regime. But the truth is some exercise is better than no exercise and more exercise is better than little exercise. The health benefits of exercise cannot be overemphasized. Here are some of the benefits:
1. It promotes longevity
People who are given to regular physical exercise generally live longer. Exercise helps to reduce the risk of premature death. It is said that exercise is the healthiest thing you can do.
2. Weight control
Frequent exercise helps to attain and maintain a healthy weight. Exercise helps to burn off the extra calories you might have taken in and serves to control your body weight. It increases the rate of energy uptake, increases metabolism.
3. Improved sexual life
Exercise helps to improve muscle tone, strength and cardiovascular functions all of which improve sexual performance in both men and women. According to research, men who exercise frequently are less likely to be impotent and less likely to develop erectile dysfunction.

4. Development of New Brain Cells
Regular exercise promotes the production of new brain cells. Studies have also shown that exercise stimulates learning and memory centers of the brain. Older people who indulge in exercises regularly perform better in tests requiring decision making and problem solving.
5. Strengthens Bones
Regular exercise significantly improves bone density. It enhances bone formation, prevents bone loss and protects against osteoporosis.
 6. Exercise is an antidepressant
Exercise has been shown to promote mental health and relief the symptoms of depression.
7. Cardiovascular Functions
Regular exercises make your heart muscle stronger. A strong heart requires far less effort to pump blood than a weak one. Lack of exercises significantly increases the likelihood of cardiovascular diseases.

Health Benefits of Honey

The health benefits of honey go far beyond its sweet taste. Honey has been used as a natural remedy for several ailments for thousands of years now. Below are a few health benefits of honey:
1. Source of Energy
Honey is a natural energy booster. It is a source of carbohydrates. It supplies our bodies with strength and energy. It plays a vital role in preventing fatigue during exercises: the glucose contained in honey is easily absorbed by the body providing instant energy boost while its fructose content is absorbed more slowly making for sustained energy. So when next you are going for a work out, take a teaspoon of honey.
2. Skin Care
Honey mixed with milk is a great combination for achieving a smooth skin. This can health in keeping your skin smooth and radiating.
3. Immune Booster
Honey has anti-bacterial and antioxidant properties which help the body to fight off diseases and stay healthy as well as improving the digestive system. If you want a more responsive immune system, start each day with a mix a teaspoon of honey and lemon juice in a cup of warm water and drink it. This will benefit your immune system a lot.
4. Treatment of Burns and Cuts
For thousands of years, honey has been known to be one of the natural home remedies for treating burns and cuts. Honey’s strong antiseptic property inhibits the growth of some bacteria and helps to keep external cuts and wounds clean and infection free. Honey is used in first aid in treating wounds, cuts and burns as it is capable of absorbing moisture from the air and promoting the healing process.
 5. Hangovers
Honey is very effective in treating hangovers resulting from drinking too much alcohol. It is a source of natural sugars and fructose which help to increase the oxidation of alcohol, thus producing a sobering effect. For hangovers, blend the following together and take it: 15ml of liquid honey, 70ml of natural yogurt and 80ml of orange juice.

Health Benefits of Bananas

Everyone-children and adults alike-love the taste of sweet, nutritious bananas. It is one of the commonly eaten fruits all over the world. Bananas are high in fiber, contain sugars such as sucrose, fructose and glucose; they contain potassium and help to reduce blood pressure. They also strengthen the bones as well as keep the kidneys in great shape. Here are a few of the health benefits of eating bananas:
1. Building Strong Bones
Bananas are one of the fruits that help to strengthen the bones in adults and children still in their formative years. Bananas contain fructo oligo saacharides. These serve as food for the healthy bacteria called Probiotic bacteria. These Probiotic bacteria fight against harmful bacteria as well as increase the ability of the body to absorb calcium which helps to build strong bones.
2. Healthy Kidneys
Research has shown that consuming vegetables and whole fruits daily are a sure way to protect the health of one’s kidneys. This is because they contain antioxidants like phenolic compounds which help the kidneys in their work of detoxifying cancer causing agents effectively.
 3. Fat and Cholesterol Free
Bananas are fat and cholesterol free. Mashed bananas can be used in place of oil or butter when you want to make cookies. It is far healthier.
4. Potassium
One of the benefits of banana is that it contains potassium. Potassium is very useful for good nerve and muscle function. It also helps to maintain a healthy balance of body fluids. Bananas are high in potassium and help to prevent muscle cramps after a session of exercise.
5. A good source of Vitamin C
Like several other fruits, bananas are a good source of Vitamin C. vitamin C serves to boost the immune system, promotes healthy cells as well as improves the absorption of iron and other nutrients into the body. These are some of the many health benefits of banana. Don’t forget to share the article with your friends.

Health benefits of orange

Oranges are one of the most popular fruits in the world. Not only are they sweet and tasty, they also contain several vitamins that help to protect our body from several harmful diseases. In this article, we will be considering the health benefits of orange: .
1. Source of Vitamin C
Oranges are a very good source of vitamin C and flavonoids. Vitamin C helps to reduce the risk of developing colon cancer by getting rid of free radicals that can damage our DNA. A single orange can provide 100% of the recommended dietary intake of this vitamin a day.
2. Oranges are rich in fibres which help to reduce the blood sugars and the fructose found in oranges also prevents blood sugar from rising too high. It is thus a very beneficial fruit for people with diabetes.
 3. It is a very good source of vitamins A, B, calcium, potassium, chlorine, iodine, folic acid, amino acids, beta carotene, sodium, manganese, iron and zinc.
4. Oranges contain a compound called Liminoid which helps to fight off cancers of the colon, lings, mouth, skin and stomach. It also contains Vitamin C that serves as antioxidants that helps to protect our body cells from been damaged by free radicals.
 5. A high intake of vitamin C has been found to reduce the risk of heart diseases by half.
6. Orange peel contains the alkaloid synephrine which can reduce the production of cholesterol by the liver. It also helps to fight against oxidative stress that is mainly responsible for the oxidation of LDL in the blood.
7. Its strong vitamin C content induces the white blood cells to fight infection, thus boosting the immune system.
8. Daily intake of oranges helps to keep a man’s sperm healthy as its antioxidant properties help to protect the sperm cells from genetic damage that may lead to birth defects.
9. Eating foods rich in vitamin C help to reduce the incidence of peptic ulcer which also lowers the risk of stomach ulcers.
10. Regular intake of vitamin C prevents atherosclerosis (hardening of the arteries).

Benefits of apple

Getting healthier may not always demand going for the long and hard things. There is an old adage that says an apple a day keeps the doctor away. When we talked on the health benefits of garlic, the challenge how do we do away with that irritating odour but here is a natural gift with good smell and taste but yet lots of health benefits. So what exactly are the health benefits of garlic?
Benefit 1: Weight loss 
Ancient research show that constant in-take of apple help in losing some weight and lowering of cholesterol.
Benefit 2: Healthy/White teeth
This benefit does not imply that apple replaces your toothbrush; eating (chewing and biting) of apple kindles the production of saliva in your mouth and so lowers the level of bacterial in your mouth and therefore reduce tooth decay.
Benefits 3: Protection of bone
Researchers found that phloridzin which can increase born density is found only in apple. Apple also contains boron which also strengthens bone.
Benefit 4: Heart diseases
Recent studies has shown that eating apple reduces the risk of stroke and other forms of heart disease.
Benefit5: Asthma
Research has shown that children with asthma who often drinks apple juice suffer less from wheezing than those that don’t. It has also being shown that taking apple during pregnancy reduces the chance of the baby having asthma.
Benefits 6: Diabetes
Apples contains lot of soluble fibre which is a key to reducing blood sugar swings. Eating at least an apple a day by women reduces the likelihood of their developing type 2 diabetes by 28%.
Benefit 7: Cancer prevention
Apple contains a high level of the flavonoids quercetin and naringin which is believed to be responsible for the ability of apple to reduce the chance of developing long cancer by those that takes it. Apple also helps in preventing breast, liver and colon cancer.
Benefit 8: Diarrhoea and constipation
Apple help in reducing diarrhoea and constipation. These is done by the fibre contained in apple which can either help in absorbing excess water from your stool to slow bowels down or pulling of water from your colon, keeping things moving along when you’re backed up

